Sunday, May 17

Who is behind "President Biden"?

NYT columnist Frank Bruni today sums up the fears of the American electorate as candidate Joe Biden remains hidden, and looks like he is getting more and more befuddled remaining out of the national spotlight when he does emerge into the light.

In other words: Because Biden is out to lunch, unprincipled Democratic power brokers can put whatever they want on his plate. He’ll docilely sup on it and then ask for more.
Americans who rejected the long-standing Republican establishment in 2016 are set to reject the longstanding Democratic establishment in 2020 -- they don't want Joe Biden as the empty figurehead for the Axelrods, the Emmanuels, the Clintons and Obamas and Kennedys and Bidens and Pelosis coming up in the new generation* to continue feeding at the trough...

Bruni, bless his heart, admits he's okay with that.  He's in a good place, it seems, and wouldn't mind if Biden is used as an empty figurehead for others in the Dem establishment to come in, and continue the comfortable (for some) status quo...
Let’s say, for the sake of argument, that Biden has lost a few steps. Let’s posit that while he was always a font of gaffes, he’s now a geyser of them. Let’s assume that his herky-jerky conversational gait betrays a herky-jerky intellectual one.
It nonetheless remains true that he got through a two-person, two-hour debate with Bernie Sanders in mid-March without embarrassing himself in the slightest. Besides, the precise agility of his mind has nothing to do with the fundamental decency of his values.
At the end of the day, Biden can be trusted to do what Trump didn’t and won’t: stock his administration with qualified professionals. He could compensate for any supposed cognitive deficit with a surplus of talent.
That's what we're afraid of, Mr. Bruni.
That pre-selected "talent" that too often reeks of monied nepotism.  (Don't try to compare Ivanka Trump's position to the Hunter Biden mess.  It just won't pay to go there. Did the impeachment spectacle teach you nothing?)

Better to stick with the president in these pandemic times -- keep him in office in November.  No reason to try and switch horses midstream, especially to a lame one like Joe Biden. Re-up with your commander in wartime, and don't place your hope in a transition to back-to-the-past government made up of 1980s era national politicians.  Educate yourself about Biden's failed 1988 primary run, and ask if it was age, or character issues, befuddling him way back then...

Let the Democrats have the four more years they need, at least, in the presidential wilderness, to better become acquainted with American citizens, and to finally define themselves beyond the superficialities of identity politics. 

That's just been deadly to the party as a whole.  I don't suspect NYT columnist Bruni can see it, though...

Maybe there's an operation that can quick-fix that? ;-)

* What international interests and money do you think is supporting that continued cast of Washington characters?  Might it be better to get some fresh workers in there, less tied to the worldly ways of the pre-pandemic past?

We're all looking at our "Made in USA" labels now, and wondering why so many of our fellow American representatives continue to put so much faith in the communist Chinese government over US workers.  Why?  We can't make it better here?  Really?

Or is it just a race to the bottom on cheapness?