Saturday, May 23

"... You Ain't Black!"

In his defense, that's the radio show's tagline that Joe Biden dropped right before his interview ended.  The Breakfast Club hosts -- black themselves -- routinely pepper the show with that line in describing other blacks.  That's why Joe Biden was smiling.  He thought he was showing respect, by showing he was in on it...
He's not.
He should know that.
For the sake of his teammates of both races, really.
Hth = Hope this helps!

ADDED:  The shoe yet to drop...
The Only Winning Move is Not to Play - Imgur

I think Joe Biden indeed does owe the black voting bloc who gave him the South Carolina primary win, essentially saving his campaign. No, I don't believe in favors, or playing those networking/logrolling games myself, but I'm a realist. (Not an optimist, a pessimist, a racist, a progressive, a libertarian, a conservative, or any other flavor-label of the moment.)  If you understand Democratic politics, you know how the game is played, and the costs paid: observations forged in reality.  "We don't want nobody nobody sent..."

 Most people would tell you they want to be treated as individuals, authentically.

But with the rise of technology and impersonalization, global society pushes us in the opposite direction.  For a time, we thought our new wise men would be the predictive pollsters... That's passed.

The new networks -- priests of the new career cabals, like Journolist and J-schools -- reinvent the industry by slicing the audience into identity groups, tapping numbers and graphics, and video! to use demographics as evidence of... something.  Usually, whatever conclusion the writer is hoping to draw.

Joe Biden is trying hard -- some non-black people might say too hard -- to gain the "black vote" this election cycle.  After eight years of Barack Obama, I think many non-black workers, and black workers themselves, may have woken up to the "us and them" new spirit of disunity in this nation...

Joe Biden, if he indeed selects as his running mate a black woman candidate to appease "his" black establishment voters, might be seen by some non-blacks as unfairly discriminating -- and putting within a heartbeat, or early resignation for health reasons, a not-yet-ready-for-presidency candidate -- against those fully qualified vice-presidential qualifiers of other races, other genders not even under consideration.  In the private sector, that's not legal.

Nevermind what anybody thinks that black voters owe Joe Biden or the Democratic party...

The real issue that smart voters are thinking about after Friday morning's Breakfast Club interview:

Does Joe Biden really "owe" black voters anything for essentially gifting him the Democratic nominationin South Carolina, after which so many other highly touted diversity candidates simply dropped from the race?  Was it a bait-and-switch, the fresh new candidates expected to draw in new Dem voters while the fix was in all along for the older, establishment white male favorite?

Who else, floating out there right now in the Democratic party or globally, might Joe Biden "owe"?

Is it "white" to be wondering about this important issue, and asking questions about current demographics, international identity politics, and the never-ending game of "who owes who?"

Maybe -- like that old 80s movie tagline -- the only winning move is not to play...
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