Wednesday, June 24

How to Distinguish Between White People...

The ones who earned it themselves, who worked their way up and take pride in their properties and their families, are the ones willing to fight back now and defend themselves and their own, in word and deed, from those who would unlawfully take what is not theirs.

Those whites who inherited their privileges are encouraging destruction against others. They might believe in their own White Privilege, and understand that they got what they didn't deserve, and now almost welcome what they have coming...

But other whites, the ones who work for what they have, are done paying reparations via affirmative action, preferential minority hiring, and awarding contracts to often lesser qualified minorities.  If the privileged whites want to set up charities, and give away their ill-gained advantages, they might just save their own lives by doing so...

But they won't take down the country demanding that others pay to appease the violent and destructive.  If anything, privatized security will mean less investigations into the killings of criminals.  See South Africa.  The price of reparations should be paid, voluntarily, by those who continue riding their inherited privileges and encouraging the violence and destructions, of working whites and working blacks...

We Shall Overcome.
and Still We Rise...