Friday, June 19

Black and White. No Greys* ?

Who would ever have thought we'd be covering news stories like this in 2020?  It's devolution, really. De-evolution.

Ms. Warren is the most prominent and formidable white candidate in the running, and she is far along in the vetting process.  Other white candidates under consideration include Senator Tammy Baldwin of Wisconsin, Gov. Gretchen Whitmer of Michigan and Gov. Gina Raimondo of Rhode Island....
Mr. Biden committed to naming a woman as his vice-presidential pick during a debate with Senator Bernie Sanders on March 15. His team’s search committee has contacted roughly a dozen women, and eight or nine are being vetted more intensively, according to people familiar with the process.

Senator Kamala Harris of California, who also ran against Mr. Biden and is the only black woman in the Senate, is widely regarded as a strong candidate for the vice-presidential slot. Several other black women are being vetted by Mr. Biden’s search committee, including two whose prospects have risen as the national debate over racial justice amplifies calls for him to select a woman of color.
Isn't this sheer tokenism?
Why they trashed Mitt Romney for his "binders full of women"?
I think it is...

* Do the older folk think it wise to classify candidates like this?  Or are they simply cowed by the energy and committment of the younger folk coming up, who have yet to learn the basics?  Stand tall, elders, and pass on what you have learned...

Don't cheapen yourselves and give in to racial classification advantages, when they work in your own favor?
ADDED:  "Amy is ensuring that when one of them [Editor note: "one of them" = black woman] is picked, everyone will believe they were picked because of their race."

"Honesty... is such a lonely word..."
~Billy Joel, 1978.

Also, I forgot myself and misclassified:  Elizabeth Warren -- owing to her self-described tribal status -- classifies herself as a "Person of Color", not as white.  She might just still be in the running against the black women, as a POC candidate herself.  No word in yet on how President Joe Biden's vetting campaign staff is classifying her...

Horse-race coverage.  Pure and simple.  No need to pretend otherwise...
(Just don't make them bare their teeth? Please?)