Honest Question: What's with the recent re-glamourization of smoking?
Dummies put cigarettes in their mouths today, not cool people. Dummies.
Smoking kills, It's anti-social. You don't look cool -- big guys especially -- sucking on a little ciggy. Ladies, your skin and hair are prettier without the smoke...
The science is in: it's a deadly habit to pick up. I always figure the people taking up smoking in this day and age are just slow suicides, they want out of a healthy life and environment, but prefer to ... drag it out. Their deaths.
Saddest of all are those who have lost parents, much too soon, to smoking, but can't stop themselves. Weak and stupid. I'm not sure if that's what these young cools are aiming to project, but that's how anti-science you are, kids. Pair it with hard liquor, at least. Maybe you'll have the heart attack at 39 when the arteries harden and close? #DareToDream
She thinks he's sexxy? "Gee mister, can I learn to party with ... you? Teach a girl, will you?"
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