If Fiscally Conservative Americans are Wary of Biden's Big Spending Bills...
and I think, fiscal conservatives cross many color and class lines, then how do you think they will... feel .... when you tell them the Big Spending Bills are not being financed by taxing inherited wealth and "passive" income, but by taxing the cars, trucks and gas needed daily to get them to work?
* Not my place to advise, but if you want to tank the bill on an unpopularity thing, tell working folks the richy riches need free daycare so we are imposing a "carbon" tax to pay for it... Viva la Revolucion!, indeed.
ADDED: This is when you can tell, for all the ... diversity .... the Dems have promised to let into the room, they're carefully selected. I wonder honestly, for example, how many lawmakers -- even the young colorful ones -- still drive?
It's telling that they don't realize how many Americans, young and old, still do, and how funding the Big Spending, subsidizing things White People Like... with cigarette and gas taxes is realistically not gonna do it... (Not enough money in sin taxes alone, and driving a car or truck is not a sin, even by today's shabbily rewritten rule book.)
If you're afraid to touch the Third Rail of Financing taking on non-worker ... rentier ... income, why bother unless we are actively trying to discourage people from working. You just artificially cost shift, subsidizing out-of-home personal preferences of the ... professionals ... for government institutional care like nursing homes and daycare/schools and asking people who don't choose those services to pay for those who do? Not those who need them, financially, but those who prefer to outsource homecare to lower paid, often non-citizen ... others. (ie/ "They work for us M-F while we are "working", but they are not part of our home communities and we don't really ... see ... them, or their daily needs in our hometowns, thank goodness."
By trying to help, the Dems once again contribute to the White Privilege and inequality that lets people in inheritance roles, like Hunter Biden, advance despite his lack of skill set and continual poor choices and mistakes, over the working black, brown and white man down the street... Sadly, by admitting select Blacks and browns to the mix, professionals all, the system creakily perpetuates the privilege, albeit with some colorful new faces, not all called upon to share their ethnic cuisines in the community either, as we saw so many encouraging new Afghan refugees to come settle .... here .... .
Happy Saturday, and remember: If you're gonna do it, do it right!
Integrity, intrinsic value and intelligence. All "I" words. Nothing wrong with that on an autumn Saturday. (Sample for yourself: "I, I, I, Ai!" vs. the childish "Me, Me, Me, Me!" Can you hear it? No contest.)
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