The New Century Democratic Legacy...
a country of non-voting non-citizen laborers.
US authorities arrested more than 1.7 million migrants at the US-Mexico border this fiscal year, the most ever recorded.
Poor Brandon Biden can't even organize the National Guard to re-open our ports now that Sec. of Transportation Pete Buttegieg is back from his parental leave that wasn't really ever announced after the twins birth....
I hope the ports are re-opened and the trucks moving freely with their cargo throughout the nation before the National Guard is needed to protect the southern border from the caravan currently busting its way through Mexican checkpoints meant to hold them back.
I hope the Sec. of Defense and Sec. of Homeland Security are still on the job? Officially?
ADDED: Wait until Rep. Jim Clyburn has to tell his bloc of Black voters that their unity in pushing Joe Biden over the top to the Democratic nomination, and eventual presidency last year, only helped them get four weeks parental leave* that will mostly be enjoyed by affluent dual working couples, especially White dads like in the Buttigeig family..
I don't think this -- and thousands of dark, new unregulated competitors for jobs, shelter, food, roadspace, affirmative-action slots etc. -- is why they were working to unify the Black vote for Dems.. #PromisesBrokenPromisesKept
We'll see if the "He's not Donald Trump!" gambit is enought to keep Brandon's team in office. How much longer are they running the clock, holding the (artificial) majority, again?
* ... and FREE childcare -- to institutionalize their children early on in life. (Nevermind that a lot of non-White people like spending time with their own babies and kiddos, and would prefer to choose whether to care for them at home or to go out being "career women". The one that made me most chuckle and think, oh boy are you an ugly mum, was the ... "career woman" who spent time on the weekend counting the minutes daycare opened on Monday morning so her homecare duties could be done already. So so sad. Great careers though, both parents!, and now... FREE daycare for the daughters. Gotta love America and the New Dem party, unless of courese, you'd make different choices and not ask anyone else to underwrite them either...
These richie rich offspring with the big appetite for public programs that especially serve their own family are gonna tank the Democratic party yet! And make stronger-- and more diverse -- the blue Republicans.
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