Let's Run a Pre-Emptive Poll to Shine a Little Light?
Should the United States of America go to war with Iran to prevent them from enriching uranium that would provide them nuclear parity with Israel? (say shh, but nobody's much denying anymore that nuclear weapons have mysteriously proliferated to Israel, despite all the containment treaties.)
In New York City, that question is going to poll a lot higher due to the Jewish population than in the rest of the country.
Enemies, even allies, will likely seize this moment where America lacks leadership.
Run the poll now, so there are no surprises when America as a whole refuses to sacrifice further for another pointless little Mideast War that accomplishes nothing for America, at so great a cost...
Parity promises peace: when Israel too is checked by another power player in the region, she is more likely to confront her religious extremists within who base their political land holding on a gift from G-d... along with an unclean title from the Brits.
Parity, perhaps, will convince the fledgling nation that America from afar cannot always have our ally's back... and the Palestinian people and their need for a Homeland too cannot be wished or prayed away...
A nuclear-enriched Iran might convince others it is in Israel's interests to compromise more fully in sacrificing land holdings at the negotiating table, no matter what the extremists say their G-d tells them about that.
(Not the whole of Israel. The contested lands, where the religious settlements have continued to proliferate under the watchful eye of successive US presidential administrations.)
Internally, Israel needs to confront it's religious extremists. America fighting their battles these past 20 years is just going to make losing that land harder ...
But of course legally, it was never theirs to hold on. Let's all pray that the evangelizing American Christians who have invested so much militarily into supporting Israel do not end up creating the End Times there they have been working for decades now to bring about ...
Seriously, run that poll and see if American interests in the Middle East have waned as we continue to produce more oil here at home and favor secular interests domestically. I don't think we'll be easily whipped up into fighting abroad again anytime soon when it is not in American interests.
Hopefully NYC and DC will get the message, and send it on to Israel who can act accordingly in picking a fight, alone, with Iran.
We don't believe in assassinating scientists here or using our weapons on unarmed civilians. It happens, but as a nation still rooted in a muscular Christianity in many regions still, killing children to protect our own is never the goal. It's an abomination, and we're not going to get our military mixed up in that kind of piss-poor fighting/excuse-making again.
(No matter what the media is trying to sell, influenced by the well-paid lobbyists still circulating like a bad rash in DC.)
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