Never Serve a Leader who Lies
Better to be on a losing team helmed by Justin Fields than on a "championship" crew led by a liar. Trust matters in determining who wins what in the end.
U2: "What you got, they can't deny it; can't sell it or buy it. Walk on... Stay safe tonight."
ADDED: "Like a crap neighbor, State Farm don't care..."
Again, the problem is not Rodgers' choice not to vaccinate AND face the consequences of his choice = THAT is Civil Disobedience. Assuming the risk AND being willing to pay the cost, if need be (and early on, kids, there is always somebody paying the costs for contentious rule breaking on the name of long-term justice and freedoms.)
The problem with Aaron: It's the lying, so your neighbors in the social compact can't properly protect themselves by shunning the unvaccinated to protect their own -- you are disrespecting their choice of protecting their vulnerable, such as vaccinated elders and unvaccinated immunocompromised children.
Aaron Rodgers is an excellent example of American non-manhood and playing da boy forever, putting himself and his own needs over all others. He doesn't really take responsibility for himself, nevermind thinking ahead to protect others around him.
Not the best brand for a healthy neighbor insurance company, if you ask me. Not a healthy look at all. Wealthy maybe, but not wise either...
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