Friday, December 10

BLM Defends Filing False Police Reports

Dumb move because it's likely black men will fare worse under this policy.

It's not good for anyone when you falsely report crimes and wrongly accused others.

People minimizing Jussie Smollett's crimes, who don't understand why he will see jail time for continually lying to the cops and courts, don't live in the real world.

Everyone is hurt when we encourage women to falsely claim rapes, men and women. Blacks and whites are harmed when we falsely accuse the other of racial crimes that happened only in someone's imagination.

The law is a tool to strongly discourage crimes by setting appropriate penalties so others can learn consequences too.  If you want peace in Chicago, you jail Jussie...

If you want to encourage more people to falsely report racial and GLBT hate crimes, you stick with BLM and follow the organization down.

(A peaceful change really is coming... Never forget. The pendulum swings both ways )


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