Monday, December 26

Roger Boisjoly

 You know what this extreme cold weather and lack of worker-input respect for real-world conditions has me thinking of these days, when I am sitting waiting for my car to warm up?

How many "accidents" are just waiting to happen when machinery is not maintained and the "elites in charge" are making poor decisions on their own, without proper understanding of the way things really work out here...

RIP Roger Boisjoly.  They don't make men like you much anymore, likely because we have softened the path for so many, and so few rise from "real world" conditions to begin with...

Pray people being paid to do their jobs today are letting others do theirs. Others with more practical knowledge too.  (and less of an interest in the profit-maximization end of things that maybe thinks it cheaper to shut others up who might valuably contribute to the overall mission...)

We best start listening to the Roger Boisjoly types in America today, if we are wise... Those who know things that you don't.  (there are people like that -- men and women -- don't you think/admit?) 

Hear them and make fixes to avoid the Challenger fate in other professions that logic and wiser minds saw coming?

ADDED:  There should be a professional ethics requirement for every profession, and everyone should be held to it... not rewarded for smashing it to pieces, even if it makes a company money in the short run...


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