Friday, January 13

Either Paul Krugman is the Wonk's Worst Cheerleader...

 or he doesn't read his own newspaper. I'm better the latter.

  1. Given his track record, I don't think any regular readers really trust him... He has no skin in the game, and it shows.  What's fine for an Ivory Tower academic isn't true of a columnist allegedly writing about business, finance and the American economy, but again:  he's a Journ-o-list:  a Democratic activist playing at being a newspaper writer. (yeah, yeah, I know.  He won a prize for his work. Doesn't mean people around the kitchen table should take his words worth a grain of salt... No skin the game.  Too rich for any of it to affect him, and with that track record: it shows.  He should stick to his models, and not try to write for real people...  One of those "brilliant professors" who likely can't balance a budget, and won't be on the hook when the bills come due.  Funny thing is, I am not at all pessimistic about America's debt or any ceiling, or us running out of money... I mean, if we have enough to send billions to break and remake Ukraine; and we're inviting in all of the world's poor to come and share out bounty here... you think they are going to take from Social Security, or Medicare, even when the lesser demographicked GenX starts stepping up to the plate to collect what they've paid in??  I don't think anybody in DC is dumb enough to try that.  I guess they'll just have to fire up the money-printing plants in the basement of the Treasury, because we got enough for our own, and the rest of the world too, it seems...  )