Monday, January 30

It was Zero / 0 when I ran out to the post office right before 5pm CST and -3 when I got home turned on the oven and checked the temp...

 Now it's -5, heading to a low of -10 around 3am, they say...

Amazing.  No wind chill, it was sunny but you just feel that cold.  DON'T SCREW UP, and get caught outside.  It's okay when it's light, and you're just going from here to there, in and out, with the car well warmed up and running...

It's when you get caught, even for a few minutes -- like with a car breakdown, or locking yourself out, or getting drunk and stumbling... The cold messes with your head, you can get confused, and die of exposure. That's what's scary.  People with no coats, exposing skin... they don't realize how they could fall and... that's it for them.  Too many stories, too many to think of.  Just glad we are safe, indoors, where you just don't feel it, and don't think of what could happen...

#BeSmart.  #KeepYourAnimalsInside #Don'tMessWithTheCold #RespectNature'sExtremes



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