Monday, February 27

Bad Things Happen in Wartime.

 Civilians suffer, even if their military "leaders" are cutting records with American musical stars.  Please God, don't let Joe Biden promise to pay to rebuild Ukraine's electrical grid while our own system here at home renders people without power in some regions for a good amount of time, due to nature, overhead wires, and the lack of manpower to get in there and get things fixed fast.

Why are we sending billions to keep a war going "over there" -- and undoubtedly prolonging the destruction of a country, and the suffering of a people under seige -- when we have our own needs here at home?

Let America be the beacon -- the shining light on the hill -- where we set the example of excellence, showing the world how it can be done withOUT weapons and relying only on the goodwill of people who have the incentive of working together, in a free land that permits equality not to legacies and those satisfied with the status quo, but to those willing to work hard to better THIS place.

If not now, when?   If things don't get fixed under Joe Biden's leadership, who WILL address the problems today our nation faces?  Trump tried, but he was too hated to break through.  The problems here at home aren't going away though, and we are simply producing more and more need in the future here, but refusing to fix the system as it is...


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