Wednesday, July 12

"You can let it rain on my windowpane well I got my OWN rainbow..."

Lol.  I think this lady sounds like a hoot, actually.  Ballsy too;  it will cost her, but she's probably healthier getting her feelings out in the long run and addressing her thoughts... A pet groomer.  lolol.

A hair salon owner in Michigan has vowed to ban certain members of the LGBTQ+ community who specify their pronouns, saying they are 'not welcome' at her salon.   'If a human identifies as anything other than a man/woman, please seek services at a local pet groomer,' Studio 8 Hair Lab owner Christine Geiger wrote on Facebook.   Geiger wrote that she was simply exercising her right to 'free speech' as well as her ability as a business owner to 'refuse services' to certain customers. 

I guarantee if you walked into her business with a sense of humor, asked for the owner, smacked your money on the counter and said, "I'm a red-blooded American. My pronouns are Me, My, Mine.  My money is as green as the next guy.  I need an inch-and-a-half off the top and sides, then thin it too..." that she would likely service you.

It's in the way you meet people's fears where they are, and know who you can work with* (this lady), and who is just being a dick for the sake of being a dick. (DeSantis types, insecure in their masculinity like that...)


*  Didn't anybody see Clint Eastwood giving the communication-with-working-class-Americans lesson in Gran Torino??  Same thing here, but with the girl clique...

I don't really blame Ms. Geiger for her false fears. She's not saying she wouldn't service a trans woman, notice.  Or anyone who identifies as a woman or man.  She's just afraid of non-committal instigators, I'd bet, and hasn't yet learned to see individuals:  to distinguish without discriminating against the group as a whole.

She is who she is, likely a product of her times, aging and facing insecurity herself...  Tryin' to be in with today's in-crowd. **

I blame the pundits who falsely led her to believe this is what the recent Court ruling held:  the right of private business owners like herself to discriminate against queers -- who might threaten children and "real" women in family-friendly business places and are thus unwelcome -- in failing to provide personal services and then freely speaking about their pride in doing so...

Ummmm, no.  

I would like to think Kavanaugh and Roberts and Coney-Barrett and Gorsuch read stories like these, and kick themselves for accidently encouraging this national misunderstanding by trying to revisit Masterpiece and essentially bring it to a conclusion... not realizing (I sure hope!) that they were being tugged by people presenting a law-school-like hypothetical, not a true business owner/practitioners' concerns.  

Most successful business owners learn to be inclusive, and don't turn away business because of discrimination.  Not worth it. 

Queers are kinda like bumblebees -- if you don't mess with them, they very likely won't bother you or your family either.  Let people be already.  Stop preaching all this judgment and hate.  Especially from above.

** They are very wary about the scary thought that the gender game really has changed:  that with hormone injections people really can transition; we're just playing around with the wording now... (comparable to: ie/ marraige vs. partnerships; sacraments v.s. contracts. Remember those days? you can't stop what's happening on the ground; technology marches on, you can't control it, just limit its distribution and who can access care, just like with abortion...)