Thursday, November 16

Billions of American Taxpayer Dollars, and Countless Lives Later, the Wall Street Journal Wises Up

 They're old and slow, and in the future, they won't have the luxury of making so many costly mistakes in calculation before getting it correct.  Listen and learn earlier, financial friends:

It’s Time to End Magical 

Thinking About Russia’s Defeat

Putin has withstood the West’s best efforts to reverse his invasion of Ukraine, and his hold on power

 is firm. The U.S. and its allies need a new strategy: containment.

Now do Israel's financial dependence on America, and consider how not paying the true costs of her defense alters their "defensive" strategy?

We need to learn sooner rather than later what American dollars are doing to escalate these wars, and pull funding that is needed here at home to build, rather than to keep destroying with our weapons "over there."

Because diligent observers have noted:  what happens in these wars, the weapons being tested, in time are used against American civilians here at home.  "The only way to win... is not to play the game."  WarGames (1984).

We need better observers, smarter reporters, and faster learners in leadership, please.


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