Tuesday, November 21

Honest Question?

Do you think Jimmy Carter is even aware that his wife has passed? He's been in Hospice, near death for the past months... I think not.

I'd bet my life savings he did not author that thoughtful statement about her passing either... (nttawwt. It was written in his tone, and was just as genuine as if he had.)  RIP. 

The more you remember their "regular-ness" in the White House in the late 70s when America was going through a tough economic time, the more you appreciate them as people.  (Billy!  Amy... regular folk representing us, trying to get through those days...)


*  I was delivering newspapers after school, the Hammond Times, and a lot of my subscribers were workers in the steel plants who lived in our small town, south suburb of Chicago, south of Lake Michigan, right on the Indiana border.  

People were more real back then, or maybe I was just a child riding through their streets, and we had better representation in Washington of the whole of the country, I think.  Trucker rock was big.

(ok, that last line is out of place, just wanted to drop this here... ;-)

*We gonna roll this truckin' convoy across the USA... Convoy!  (Linus and Convoy, my two sons.)

** ... and just like that, we've reached morning, 6am, time to start the day...


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