God is Love. Pray for Children and Work for Peace.
Save Gaza.
= Two signs I saw on my travels into Minneapolis this morning, the former on a church street sign, the latter on a highway billboard sponsored by an Arab-American anti-discimination league.
What say ye? Innocuous enough? As the American churches tiptoe closer and closer to making a statement, I don't think everyone is necessarily going to see anti-semitic hatred there. It's going to be harder and harder for the Israeli lobbyists to make such propaganda stick in this country, I think.
"Pray for Children and Work for Peace."
And I don't think trying to cow univerity presidents into silencing their students will work either. First amendment freedoms: I doubt the leaders of the top universities consider that their job or would be able to perform that role if it were.
We can't really silence dissent in this country, nor does it have to hide underground.
That's a good thing. That's what makes our country great, despite our many flaws.
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