News Judgment Anyone?
They've got George Santos "above the fold" over at the NYT right now, with new of Sandra Day O'Connor's death buried below...
I know they have women working there now; are they really too afraid to march into the boy boss's office and tell him, "Sir, we have a problem here..."
George "who" Santos over Sandra Day O'Connor. No wonder women don't much read newspapers anymore.
* You know damned well if anybody tried to do that to Ruth, there would be screams of anti-semitism; 5 life stories and videos up like they did w/Kissinger; and a respectful tribute to the woman...
Shame shame shame... America in the second decade of teh 21st century, and they are still burying news of the important women below the fold. GEORGE SANTOS for f'n sake. He don't deserve top billing, even if HE died today, newfolk. Get your heads screwed on straight???
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