Sunday, January 7

Why Not Start Flying Them in Here by the Planeload?


What Will Happen to Gaza’s People?


If those people aren't war refugees -- with no way of surviving safely at home -- I don't know who is.  And many of them are refugees based on America's financing of Israel's actions...

Justice would say, open the doors and wide.*  Demographics would say, many of the changes we've seen in the country, particularly amongst the young, are because of the Muslim and Arab war refugees from America's earlier wars this century.  That likely frightens some people who want us to remember the victims of last century's wars -- "Never Forget" -- but seem to refuse to apply the logical lessons learned to the newer global conquests and conflicts America is still throwing billions to create... 

* Even if we take in thousands and thousands, there will still be enough left in their homeland to deny Israel's religious settlers the opportunity to move in and claim their former land as thier own.  I really think Netanyahu will rue the day he unleased the IDF on Gazan civilians;  the world by summertime will be demanding that the superpowers and the United Nations work to guarantee a Palestinian state or make Israel a pariah nation.  For good reason.

What they are (still!) doing is not lawful warfare.  It's gonna catch up with the little State if they do not change course and clean up their ways, I suspect.  (and soon!)  Israel might back Netanyahu's ways, but the majority of U.S. taxpayers certainly do not...

And, the evangelical vote here at home is waning.


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