Monday, March 25

Female Sexuality.

 They always want to make the women into "victims" if it suits their aims, it seems. How does this help or respect women exactly?

“What happened to them was horrifying, but it was a great relief to find out they weren’t sexually assaulted,” Ms. Bar Sinai said.

 Turns out two sisters in a kibbutz, and their mother, were killed.  They were victims for sure, but not raped, not sexual assault victims.  Murder victims.  That's bad enough.  An elite IDF soldier testified they had been raped likely to amp up other IDF soldiers, and convince their nation that killing women and children was cool in revenge... Video shows otherwise.

(I betcha the "babies were beheaded and baked in an oven" stories will turn out to be untrue too. And nobody was skinned and made into lamp shades either...)

It was a horrible attack, and amazing that a sophisticated country like Israel let their defenses down like that.  No exaggerations in the tragedy needed though.

Why always out to make women sexual assault victims.  The Dems played E. Jean that way... and now Trump is going to be on criminal trial for PAYING his sex worker.  You got to be kidding me...  All the drama and this is the criminal trial they are going to put the nation through?

The man paid a woman to have sex with him allegedly?  She's a victim in hiding now?  Oy.  It's sad to me that women bear the brunt of the "gotcha" cases against Trump;  that by putting women up as "victims" especially of sexual crimes we are making the fair sex any stronger or respecting them as more than their bodies, and private parts.

Strong women need to have voices in the Dem party so we don't keep having them star in the sex "victim" role, true or not.  Blasey Ford?  Looking at you too...



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