Wednesday, May 1

No Retreat Baby No Surrender.

 Even the Jew law professors know what happened last night at UCLA marked a turning point... they're bringing their war tactics home to America.  "If the boys wanna fight you better let 'em":

David Bernstein
Let me make it 100% clear that I'm not defending any illegal actions taken by the counter-protestors at UCLA last night. I'm waiting to get an objective blow-by-blow account before I feel I could comment on specifics. What I am saying is that as a background fact for legal analysis, keep in mind that it was illegal for people at the encampment to keep anyone out of the encampment by force, even if the police were not enforcing the law. Lack of enforcement of violations of the law don't make those violations lawful.



OK, I was sent a video of someone shooting a projectile into the encampment crowd. Illegal, dangerous, no plausible legal defense.