Sunday, July 14

Praying for Melania and Barron...

... and the rest of the immediate family worried about their father and grandfather, uncle and brother. That was a great instinct, pumping the arm and shouting encouragement to the crowd, but...

That's a hell of a stress inducer.

I hope the former president is resting and his family is getting good medical care and advice for the days ahead. It's a marathon not a sprint.

Security needs to be revamped now. We need to begin talking less about the players and more about the plays.  More about policy and less about people.  

Less Drama more Change.

The good kind of change we've been promised previously in a diverse and inclusive society that often still feels out of grasp, though we are growing as a people and remain true to the causes that saw us all through thus far.  

Summer 2024 continues apace!