Friday, August 16

Bombs and Drones Might Break My Bones but angry words of protest just might save me.

Pamela Paul

Opinion Columnist

The Misery of Leading Columbia University

This is a woman -- who for the sake of potentially protecting her own child who might falsely claim social contagion -- questions the right of trans children to receive appropriate medical care early to make their lives easier later...

She stands by Israel in wartime (it's always wartime in Israel ;-), nttawwt, but doesn't understand nor want to grapple with the war crimes being committed in Palestine by the IDF under Benyamin Netanyahu's direction today ... even when surrendering hostages carrying a white flag of surrender are shot dead. Their own people!

Someone should point out to her -- show her pictures if necessary, like with the wartime Germans, perhaps she needs her eyes opened to the atrocities -- the truly dehumanizing acts taking place in the world today, so perhaps she can keep things in perspective while she is passionately decrying words not wars.

Life is not a college campus, my friend.  If you read the right books -- not just the commercial bestsellers -- you should know that by now.

Doubtless Shafik made mistakes during her brief tenure. A university has many stakeholders, and it is healthy and good for various parties to criticize a president’s policy decisions and positions and to work through appropriate channels to effect change. But the attacks against Shafik were not just professional, they were personal, and they were dehumanizing. The lack of civility, empathy and just plain humanity in the invective directed at her make it hard to think of the university as a welcoming or supportive environment in which to live and work.

I can think of a lot of things that make for "not a welcoming or supportive environment in which to live or work" by cracking the international newspapers daily.   

Poseur liberals like this are trying to silence the dissent that is currently roiling American society on so many issues:  namely our tax dollars going to help other countries "defend" themselves by attacking their neighbors.  America wants no part of that.

Let the diaspora pass the hat; let the American newspapers spare space on their editorial pages to reflect the will of the majority of American voters, not the lobbyists, the media or the cowards afraid to speak out -- even against women -- using strong powerful critical words to those who keep screwing things up and sending the rest of us the "bill for their crimes.

If that's power to you... "Hang on lady...we going for a ride."  The generations are finally shifting... the boomers and all those younger who threw in their fortunes with the establishment, with the status quo, with the credentialed and privileged and connected... you can't get the essential work done in this country anymore.

"It's a last-chance power drive... Everbody's out on the run tonight but there's no place left to hide."

You're failing the people here, because while you mean well, you have precious little real-world experience to opine and your moral platform has fallen through with all the war crimes against civilians now being financed by American taxpayers because our DC politicians are essentially "captured".

Of course the people who helped create these hopeless predicaments don't want the rest of us discussing them, or their performances, openly...

Change is coming in America.  You can hate it; you can deride it; you can try and push back/hold back the coming tides... We're still rolling on in though.  That's natural.  Cleansing.  The old age out; those who hitched their wagons to them will see their free rides ending too.

Pamela Paul will survive.  She might have to hear viewpoints she does not yet respect, but she will survive. No need to silence others to protect people like that who seem to fear the future, and who do not yet understand the power of what is currently sweeping in...

Take care.  Do the right thing.  Put your faith in something solid, not shifting sands and definitely not weapons of war.  How worldly, waging war on the wages of oOthers who no longer support your causes and who understand how costly the never-ending destruction is to those tasked with continually rebuilding...