Tuesday, October 15


  1. Trump turned us into a nation of haters. He’ll do it again if he wins next month.

    By Bret Stephens

    Oct. 15, 2024
  2. Oct. 15, 2024

Yeah, wake us up when you've got a plan to convince the US Congress -- which allegedly represents the American people -- to put Bibi N and old Israel over its knee for a good, hard spanking, Tom...

You want to... convince Iran to be on better behaviour? Lolol.

Clean up your own house, and come up with a plan now to discipline your own people, Tom.  Has the MSM seen the images on social media? Is the Times still barring their employees from logging onto Twitter and following the discussion there?

I really don't think the old media Israel beat reporters understand how things have shifted... Israel isn't the little guy being bullied anymore.  They're not the skeletal naked figures piled like cordwood in the corner... Congrats, I guess.

The US media and military was unable to convince Bibi's IDF to get into those tunnels and pursue the hostages and Hamas. Instead of performing heroically -- and taking military losses like the American GI's did going in armed only with grenades and flamethrowers into the tunnels under Iwo -- the IDF balked at pursuing the bad guys and instead performed mightily in scorching to death civilians. In hospitals and refugee camps. Alive...

The tide has turned, Tom. If you don't have any good advice for either Israel or the US Congress now, just... take the damn buyout.  Don't end your career shilling for this. History will not judge you kindly either playing at being the judge here.  

The deal is off, God says. You didn't keep the commandments, so you lose the promised land. Your people breached, Tom, and now you're judging o/Others and giving advice? lol.  Wise up. Open your eyes and see what is happening while you advise, sir...

Stephens has children at home still to feed... what's your excuse, Tom?