...and: Israel attacks Yemen.*
This is such a joke -- Netanyahu on his worldwide campaign, determined to "fight and kill" all opposition and potential threat to Israel's way of life. They're killing it all right...
I wonder if the Israeli elders who remember the old ways are saddened to see the light extinguished like this, especially with Hanukkah coming up...
HInt?, or Clue (get one?): You don't Win by killing your way victory while tossing aside all your best traditions; you just devalue your own lives, even more than what They did to you...
It's your History of Insecurity (capital I) not true reality guiding your actions today (and the American taxpayers' seemingly blank check to purchase Weapons of War). There are better ways to accomplish your ends than killing without trial; bombing from above; accepting so much "collateral damage. You are only killing yourselves and your own way of life...
Destroying the cultural traditions YOU have built and gifted the world, once upon a time
Pass it on as you try to keep the lamps lit in days to come.
* of course, this is a wonderful thing to be celebrated: Israel is going after only "the bad guys" determined to do what it takes to protect Free Trade and their dominance in the neighborhood as the BiggestBullyontheBlock. America should let them fight it out without us. We got enough here for now we can hunker down and let the Middle East burn before it is ready to call it even and rebuild. America is not Israel, and their interests are not ours. Let them stand on their own two feet, confident in their military might and remembering they are not our 51st state. And they are not the GoodGuys to be worshipped and adored and collecting our tax dollars... #NotCompicitHere #AsForMeAndMineWeWillServeTheLord #ChangeIsGonnaCome
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