On the road again...
(Back. Told you not to fret, right?) The past two days were spent commuting to Calumet County, in the east-central part of our great state. If you're familiar with Indian words, the calumet, of course, is the peace pipe. And emblazoned on the county building is the friendly phrase, "We extend the CALUMET to all mankind."
And I must say, the hearing yesterday, after the prep work Monday, was collegial enough -- competitive as both sides forcefully argued their points and made sure we got what we wanted into the record -- but shaking hands at the open and close. (I've been to one successful mediation thus far, and the other hearing I attended was settled before it got underway. Have I mentioned my comfort level here with ADR? That's "alternative dispute resolution" -- I'm sure litigation too has it's charms, but I just like that immediate feeling that things are getting done and solutions accomplished.) For small talk, waiting for the 10-minute breaks to wrap up, it was easy enough to find commond ground with our opponents amazing at the price of gas.
Since I can't talk about the work, I'll talk about the drive. Never been to that part of the state myself, and Lake Winnebago is a beauty on the horizon. I particularly recommend the view from the crossroads of Hwys. 151 and 55, looking west with the lake laid out before you. All sky, water, and land. Beautiful.
Our route took us through the unincorporated towns of Quinney, Brothertown, Pipe and Calumetville... I'm attracted to small towns, canopied trees and that slower pace of life visible in the summer, but I know driving through and living there are two different things. Finally, the Calumet County seat is in Chilton, home of what recognizable business? ... Anyone, anyone? Nope, not the Chilton auto manuals, my first guess. (Turns out they fall under the Thomson publishing umbrella, along with WestLaw). The answer is: Kaytee Products. You've probably heard of it, even if you hate squirrels but like wild birds. (Now who said blog-reading wasn't educational?) Off to Portage tomorrow morning, and back in Madison for an evening hearing tomorrow... take care.
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