Thursday, June 1


The Grant County, Ind., coroner's office apologized for the error on Wednesday. Coroner Ron Mowery said students had identified the survivor as VanRyn but no scientific testing was conducted.

"I can't stress enough that we did everything we knew to do under those circumstances, and trusted the same processes and the same policies that we always do," Mowery said. "And this tragedy unfolded like we could never have imagined."

The VanRyn family's blog announced that a memorial service for Laura had been scheduled for Sunday in Kentwood, a Grand Rapids suburb.

The family posted Psalm 18 on the blog Thursday, followed by a message affirming faith in Jesus: "He is there for all of us and for you. God's Word is sufficient, no matter what your circumstance."

The Cerak family will take over the blog and continue updating readers, said Debbie Harlukowicz, office manager at the Gaylord Evangelical Free Church, where Whitney's father, Newell, is youth minister.


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