Thursday, July 26

Mary and Martha.

That theme week ended briefly on the Mary/Martha parable. A balance -- take the best lot and keep on learning, but help out around the household... be a good hostess when you can but don't miss the real things, isn't that's the story's worth? Since I personally lean heavier on the Mary side, it was a good time to clean the bathroom mirrors here.* More Martha. Windex vinegar=good stuff.

No windows yet though. Otherwise I'd put up a shot outside the office window here. They're open. No rain, so brown lawn as far as the eye can see. And the bugs noising all day. The trio of bunnies living around the corners under the overgrown bushes... don't tell me the weather doesn't affect us all.

My theory was sealed about 10 minutes ago when a bird bonking into the window lifted my head. Bounced right up though...

I hope we get rain soon.

*Takes a picture sometimes to notice it. :)
Happy Friday, in advance.


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