Sunday, February 24

I clicked on her column today...

only to see if there was any acknowledgement of this error by Maureen Dowd that David Kopel, of the Volokh blog, corrects:

Several years ago, I suggested that Maureen Dowd's columns ought to be dropped from the Denver papers. For whatever reasons, she no longer appears so often in the Denver papers, and that's a good thing.

Last week, Hillary Clinton, told a Texas audience that the president was "all hat and no cattle."

Last Sunday, Dowd took the anti- Bush quote, claimed that Clinton had been speaking about Obama, and then insulted Clinton for using the phrase. Seeing less of Maureen Dowd is a silver lining on the cloud of recent changes at the Denver dailies.

Nope. Just another anti-Hillary screed. Say Maureen, you didn't happen to see that SNL bit last night about the mainstream media drooling over Obama and penalizing the woman candidate, did you?

Because come on. From one woman to another, this is getting kind of embarrassing, don't you think?
Hillary was so busy trying to prove she could be one of the boys — getting on the Armed Services Committee, voting to let W. go to war in Iraq, strong-arming supporters and donors, and trying to out-macho Obama — that she only belatedly realized that many Democratic and independent voters, especially women, were eager to move from hard-power locker-room tactics to a soft-power sewing circle approach.

Less towel-snapping and more towel color coordinating, less steroids and more sensitivity.

Please, don't lump us all in your desires to go back to the days where the women's role was in the sewing circles, and doing the towel color coordinating. Somehow, I think if you had a daughter, you would be embarrassed to put that into print.

Why not just retire gracefully and let your mental abilities decline in private, and not continue to put your personal jealousies -- and desires to solve the world's problems with "sensitivities" -- on show for all to pity?

Somewhere along the line, young women learned honest competition and people of all genders are starting to see through the pretty little games you're still playing. You really ought to just go and take the bench with the rest of the cheerleaders, not that there's anything wrong with that necessarily... The squad might just need your color coordinating tips, and twistily flexible moves and all... Just take care not to get dropped on your head.


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