Wednesday, February 20

Look up, everyone... look up!

The living room window faces east, southeast-ish, and the full moon was bright in the sky earlier on another cold, clear evening here. Passing by later, I noticed the eclipse has started... about halfway covered in shadow.

I called my sister, who said my 7-year-old niece was still up, thanked me briefly for the reminder and hung up. I called and spoke with my Mom in Florida, who had earlier e-mailed eclipse details. "Oh, I was just out there, but let me go look again. Was thinking it was at 10:36pm, but it's already started..."

Mal called his 90-something Dad, he'd just hung up with an hour earlier. He too had heard the precise time on the news, but went to find a window to sit by...

We could hear the neighbor kids fussing, getting ready for bed, so Mal knocked and the Grandmother come over to peer outside the windowglass by the building's front door. (Their apartment faces west, so no view from inside). Thinking it worthy, she called the boy and girl, aged about 8 and 9 (with him older so they're about the same size -- almost like twins really) out into the hall in their pajamas. They just looked for a minute or two out the open front door, but long enough to speak of seeing it in class tomorrow, I hope...

Think of all of us out here tonight, everyone looking up at the same time, same moon, watching something truly amazing. Breathtaking even, if you step outside in the cold to further witness. I don't know why, but it really does lift one's spirits, no?

"... wishing on the same bright star! Somewhere Out There, if love can see us through..."