Monday, August 17

Congratulations to Y.E. Yang, on a well-played round yesterday that had him topping You Know Who. He's the first Asian-born player to win a major, if you yourself count those things, and even if you don't, it's probably important to understand how his win translates in countries like So. Korea. Even outside the sporting world.

"It's not like you're in an octagon where you're fighting against Tiger and he's going to bite you, or swing at you with his 9-iron," Yang said through an interpreter. "The worst that I could do was just lose to Tiger. So I really had nothing much at stake."
"This might be my last win as a golfer," Yang said. "But it sure is a great day."

Hope you too had a good summer weekend.

Me? I'm busy keeping up with the garden. When the good majority of Romas and others begin to ripen ... Mamma Mia. I'll say that. It's been a good year, a nice smattering of rain lately, and now hopefully, more sun and heat...

Back to the workweek, though. This summer more than ever, I'm alert to the winter that's coming: freezing cherries and blueberries for winter treats, and trying to put up the early garden crop. I don't know if the eating will necessarily be better (in a fresher frozen sense) but I'm guessing the confidence boost of feeling prepared will ultimately pay off.

Here's hopin', eh?