You can call the hockey moms* dumb ...
but surely they know how to return/exchange a product if it's not what they're looking for?
Concern trolling blogging, served with a full sour pickle on the side:
(S)tart-up publisher OR Books has announced plans to publish Going Rouge: Sarah Palin An American Nightmare, a collection of essays about the former Alaska governor with a title — and cover design — remarkably similar to Palin’s upcoming memoir (entitled Going Rogue: Sarah Palin, An American Life). And the OR paperback will be released on Nov. 17, the same day that Palin’s book is scheduled to hit the shelves.
As Thom Geier at EW puts it: “dDon’t these jackets look too similar to be, well, fully kosher? At the very least, might some hockey-mom-loving conservatives be confused enough to pick up the wrong book? You betcha!”
It may not be fully kosher, but it’s not infringement, as I see it — copyright law doesn’t protect people against “confusion,” it protects against copying.
*and those who love 'em some hockey mom...
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