Wednesday, October 13

Russ Feingold's New TV Ad on YouTube.

I don't understand / like this ad:
Russ Feingold sweeps the kids' toys off the table *, like an angry man. Maybe he should have tried the magical trick of pulling the tablecloth underneath out, while the nice items** stay put?

That's a cool act at least...

* I have that black folding table; $20, years ago, at Target.

** I guarantee you the older adults this one is aimed at -- especially the Depression generations -- will be thinking that way: Why ruin the nice things by mistreating them like that??

They're less ... disposable in their mindset that way, than the typical Boomer, in my observation. (I think plenty are still reckoning with their actions in that Clunker (but running!) Trade In, that put to an early end so many decent, aged perhaps, but high mileaged cars. Don't underestimate the psychology, I'm telling you.)


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