"We wait in joyful hope..."
or, for the secular crowd:
"Busy, busy, busy!"
It's odd when there's more written here, there's more downtime in general. (Like how your place looks most scattered, when you're in the midst of organizing). Less here means a busy R/L, and with the weather and the travel checklist, hobbies get neglected.
The lake has frozen over in the last week; we're due for another week below freezing, and more snow on top of the weeks-long ground cover. 13 degrees at 3:10 on the bank sign yesterday afternoon, I noted. (My camera either is on the blink, or just had a fro-mo: temporarily frozen up.)
It's a simpler time of year, if you let it be.
It's like there was a double suicide pact on last week's Survivor, as the bedimpled host was forced to "smuff" two torches. Should have made them self extinguish, and no, that's not the same as suggesting they light themselves on fire...
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