Happy Candlemas...
yesterday, belated.
Many people believe that some of Candlemas’ activities stem from pagan observances such as Imbolc, a Gaelic festival, or the Roman feast of Lupercalia. However, others have argued that there is too little evidence to shed light on Candlemas’ substitution for these festivals. Either way, Candlemas occurs at a period between the December solstice and the March equinox, so many people traditionally marked that time of the year as winter’s “halfway point” while waiting for the spring.
From the presentatation at the Temple, to Punxsutawney Phil, thoughout time Man has celebrated the re-imergence of light, occuring halfway between the winter solstice and spring equinox.
and Everything Old is New Again.
Make it a wonderful weekend.
Indoors work is the name of the game here, and (still) eating out the freezer...
Life is good. Healthy and frozen, but a fresh-frozen at that.
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