Interesting how many Jewish pundits* seem to believe that America should intervene in Libya. I wonder why that is...
*including Jewish-American pundits, of course.
To me, that column today comes across as: "We won't like you anymore, if you don't." Will be interesting if the American President is able to hold strong** here... Hope so.
More pressing problems to concentrate on here at home, and our foreign aid money surely could be better spent elsewhere (on humanitarian missions alone) than further helping to reshape the Middle East, thereby artificially protecting Israel from herself.
Time to stand on your own two, ladies, and accept the consequences of your own ill-advised, even reckless, actions at home. 50+ years of alleged independence, but without an American big brother backing you up no matter where you build, or how you treat your neighbors and your own second-class citizens at home -- that's when the true mettle comes out ... or not, as the case may be.
** Maybe ask Michelle if the Libyan revolution is a main priority for young Americans struggling here at home? I'd trust her opionion way more than Ms. Hillary's at this point. Politics, you see... ( Obama, even risking one term, could be: Bill Clinton, but beyond... Cut the cord, and take U.S./us there? If not now, when? )
Best trust those truly closest to you now, without conflicting agendas. That's honesty, folks. Painful though it might initially be. America First.
ADDED: Dave Kopel at Volokh Conspiracy joins in the incomprehensible boogedy-boogedy-ing (is may?) :
If Gaddafi stays, he will resume his nuclear and chemical warfare plans and his support of global terrorism, secure in the knowledge that this American President will do nothing to stop him, unless the Russians and Chinese give permission. This week is may be one that will cause terrible problems for the United States for decades to come, comparable to the week when Khomenei seized power in Iran.Go have a burger, Dave. Play with the kids, get a good night's sleep. You'll feel better in the morning.
Whatever Barack Obama’s virtues, Hillary Clinton was right: he was not ready for the 3 a.m. phone call; and it appears that he never will be.
PLUS: If you believe the American people are the American government, the comments on the thread, presumbably by Americans, are telling. Not biting on the "boogedy-boodgedy" bait anymore... Sorry, Dave.
Hang tight, President Obama. They might not like you, might even threaten you with 'no second term', but you'll have best served America's interests -- all of America, by not again involving us in other people's civil wars.
Two legs, ladies. Of your own.
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