Thursday, June 30

If You Can Make It There...

Smells like justice is for sale in New York.
The Times reports that the rich man's investigators did exactly what we all expected. They investigated the poor immigrant, found she had "lied" to them about other issues (things she spoke of were not recorded in her written asylum application -- how dare she not mention an earlier rape back home when trying to get in here...), and therefore, she is uncredible about the whole rape-in-the-hotel story.

Sorry, I don't buy it.
Too incredible.

Prosecutors are notorious for not wanting to try and do their jobs, if it's not an easy case. Guess what? You don't get to pick your victims. You take 'em as they are.

If the semen was present; the rape allegations were immediate, and consistent in the immediate accounts of co-workers; and the man jumped on a plane, without taking his personal belongings, and looked shifty in denying the whole thing... I don't care how many thousands were allegedly being laundered through her bank accounts. Go after her for financial misbehavior when the rape trial is over.

I don't think prosecutors have been "bought off" so much, now that the lovely Ms. Lagarde has been installed as the First Woman IMF leader. I do think they are lazy though, probably identifying more with the rich man now, and not wanting to make things uncomfortable for him.

Too late to turn back though. If the semen is there, in the underwear, you must care. Because just like a criminal hotel maid can surely be raped, surely an entitled rich man can take what he's not properly paid for either.

These white boys and their hookers.
Will they never learn??

ADDED: Doesn't it seem logical that after -- key in on the timeline, after, not before* -- a rape, you're going to discuss what exactly the consequences might be in going forward with accusations, all the way into the courtroom? And if somebody you're talking to is in jail, and you're pretty ignorant of the way the system works except to know that information is traded, deals are cut, and one can use what they have to work the system, that the raped immigrant with the criminal friends might indeed discuss what this might mean to them in their limited little worlds?

Sorry, but I trust the immediate-after-the-fact cops and nurses who initially dealt with this woman much more than a white-collar attorney team suddenly realizing their prime witness against the rich guy is no Snow White and might even have a criminal past of her own.

Bring the rape charges first, THEN go after her and her friends on the money laundering/drug crimes, if indeed there is substance there too.

Imagine what -- if they don't bother to prosecute in New York -- it's going to say about our (America's) Bomb-first-ask-questions later new sense of democratic justice in this 21 st century.

Say what you will about money benefits, this whole country is almost irretrievably corrupt at the most elite levels now.

* Heck, even if you like her, the whole Kennedy family too: tell me, do you really believe Maria Shriver having laid eyes on her maid's son, never even suspected the Ah-nold fathered the young man? Incredible.

Not a hooker-relationship maybe, but he was paying her, just like Maria was being paid for her role too... the luxuries of being California's first wife kept her mum until the role was played out, and suddenly she realized her husband was a cheating son-of-a-gun, juslike they all were saying all along, after all. (Oh, and Hilary and Huma never realized what dogs their men were either, until after it was publicly revealed to all of us.) Uh huh. Right.


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