Saturday, June 18

Post 2200.

Two full rows, two half rows sown of Oregon sugar snap peas, II. It really is looking like a garden out there now, two plots adjacent at the church garden.

Mal brought his tiller to town; I'd been hoeing, but he took care of the grass in the walkways and wide rows. The eggplant and tomatoes are taking off, in addition to the peas, that if peforming as promised, won't need any staking or support. We'll see...

It's Aquafest in town, and the rains have mostly been overnight and early in the day. One of those wake-you-up-in-the-middle-of-the-night storms, where you run around shutting windows and watching the rain pour over the gutters, if you have a somewhat lazy landlord.

Still, the plants love it.

ADDED: Happy Saturday night.


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