First they came for the Weiners...
and I remained silent, because I was weinerless...
Seriously though,
I hope all the Puritans and attention-seekers and Dem "leaders" looking for a scapegoat are happy today.
Congress isn't any better. Those ratings won't be going up any time soon. Women aren't any more "protected".
Surely there's a class of upper- and middle-class women who will somehow benefit off this. (Just like Ms. Lagarde's career is advancing, presumably benefitting off the immigrant maid who was allegedly assaulted by DSK.)
If Pelosi and Reid were able to tolerate Sen. Kennedy after Chappaquidick, and even pretend him a hero at that funeral, and they think that tossing a loudmouth liberal Jew overboard will help their cause, so be it.
I stand by what I originally wrote though: in 20 years (or sooner!) the kids in this country will think we ALL had a screw loose. Persecuting a man and chasing him out of a job based on ... sexxy pictures and text. That nobody complained about until Andrew Breitbart dragged his extra money through the trailer park (as the phrasing from the Clinton scandal went...).
Funny thing is, I really thought Weiner would hold out longer than Moamar Ghaddafy. (Yep, I'm rooting for him to hang in there too. Principle of the thang.)
Here we're at war, not only in Iraq and Afghanistan, but in Libya, Yemen, Pakistan, Somalia... all with tales of innocent brown-skinned people being killed from above by our misguided missles and drones and miltary hardware... and all the "mature" adults in our present dysfunctional society want to talk about is a man with a funny name privately sending his pics around to stir up some action.
Shame. Shame. Shame.
I'm embarrassed for the Boomers, for the media, and for the non-victims who have sufferered in this manufactured scandal:
We have seen the enemy,
and he is us.
Your children who will live with the consequences of your actions (or non actions) will be laughing at the true immaturity shown by out national political and media leaders today.
Kennedy in, even with his crimes.
Weiner out, because he had a funny name and it was easy enough to turn our heads to the true national troubles that need confronting, to fully concentrate on his harmless, personal failings...
Yep, them's some intelligent priorities. But what do you expect from a spoiled generation of Boomers who were blessed, and never really grew up? They're still children, and like all little children, they get turned on by poopy cocky dirtytalk and people who step out of their narrowly prescribed bounds.
Go Moamar. Hang in there, and let NATO blow their loads (and budgets!) trying to take you out. Somebody's gotta stand up to this abuse of power and overstepping of boundaries. Better we learn now, than later -- when we're out of money, and our enemies decide that a few drones targeting the White House on behalf of regime change, say, that also take out the wife and kiddies (whoopsie doopsie!) are perfectly ethical and exactly what a 21st Century democracy demands. No other choice, you know.
I really hope the country wises up and elects Mitt Romney this time around. Say what you will, but the man does have a functioning conscience -- I think his religious background has instilled that in him -- and hey, if we're all going to play at being saint morley moralistic here, he really is the best Daddy Do Right candidate we've got.
No dick pics, that's what we should be looking for in a man. Clean cut. Loves his wife and kids. Gets the job done. Reinforces our preferences for monogamy, wholesomeness, and proper role of the politician-as-role-model.
Remember this day then when we look back: you asked for it, Democrats. You got it.
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