Enough, I'm telling ya...
The people out here really have had enough.
Even the most patriotic flag-pin wearers and wavers.
it would be wise to ... wise up to this change in mindset.
And connect the dots*.
People see us spending money for this, over there, and wonder why, if we're facing such fearful fiscal trouble right here, right now.
* Yes. I'm aware that the professional "scorers" don't see much money saved by bringing our troops back home. Piddlepuff. If the people believe we're short of cash, and see it being sent abroad for continuing results like these, again, even the most military-backing hawk won't be objecting too loudly when we begin to withdraw ... with dignity.
Declare our mission over, and come on home. Beef up the defenses here, because if badness is going to fester over there, it always is smarter to use the military only in quick, effective, defensive measures. Have both parties really forgotten that?
We're simply not getting enough bang for the buck abroad anymore, and the big Middle East military budget is no longer justifiable in many logical, patriotic minds. (If the gas prices can't/aren't being artificially kept low via our military intervention, we lose the last refuge of justification really. "Blood for ... nothing.")
Special interest lobbyists might disagree, but like with liberal philanthropists, the sooner they begin financing their own personal pet projects, without taxpayer help, the sooner Americans will be less reluctant to see about 9 cents of every taxpayer dime as flushed down the toilet via the Washington sewer system.
that's the attitude out here. Don't kill the messenger.
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