Monday, July 25

On Amy Winehouse.

Truth be told, she and Sarah Silverman used to be indistinguishable in my memory banks. "Offensive entertainer" not worth spending any precious time learning more about...

In other, related news:
Recently learned, Lady GaGa is apparently singing about "Bad Romance". Not about being "caught in da bedroom dance", as I first heard it. Really.

In other words, if you seek pop entertainment value, best seek it elsewhere, not here. I want your love, want your romance and all, but not enough to learn much more about these fascinating ladies who obviously know how to make a buck off their own poisons and insecurities.

Here today, gone tomorrow.
ADDED: I guess that's all part of the attraction, the magical draw and all.

P.S. Do people really believe an early death makes the art/politics all the more palpable? Beyond the Kennedy/Cobain mystique and all...


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