Thursday, August 11

Film a Re-election Ploy?

Never waste the opportunity to use what you've got close at hand, and some hardy Navy SEALS are just sitting there waiting to be plucked out of obscurity and used for political purposes, eh?

But you know you might be in trouble when ever the liberalest of teh liberal editorial board at one South Florida newspaper is on to ya...

The White House denies it gave the filmmakers any classified material. “We do not discuss classified information,” press secretary Jay Carney said. “And I would hope that as we face the continued threat from terrorism, the House Committee on Homeland Security would have more important topics to discuss than a movie.”

However, the White House confirmed that it had provided information about President Obama’s role in the raid carried out by Navy SEALS.

At the moment, killing bin Laden would seem to be the strongest thing Mr. Obama has going for him. Director Kathryn Bigelow and writer Mark Boal deny they’re timing the movie to benefit Mr. Obama’s reelection campaign. “Our upcoming film project about the decade-long pursuit of bin Laden has been in the works for many years and integrates the collective efforts of three administrations,” they said in a statement.

What do you think? Is the bin Laden film part of an effort to reelect Mr. Obama? Take our poll.

Hattip to Maureen Dowd, it seems, who reported on this in her Sunday column.

Personally, I can't wait to see what the image-makers have planned for the decades-worth celebration of the 9-11 tragedy come this fall. Weeping widows and almost-grown children ... it'll be like all "Someone To Comfort, Over Me..." all the way, I'm sure.

Which would be fine if all we needed was a victim sympathetic "hugger in chief" on the job right now.

Helicopter attack a sign it’s time to leave Afghanistan?

Naw. We've got to keep on until our warriors have made the world safe for Israel... or the region, at least. Publicly, we've got their back no matter what, dontchaknow?


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