About That Booing...
It's sad. That it's the media meme of the moment, that is. Just when I thought everyone was over playing politics with the gay people, here we go again...
If you listen close, and if it turns out only a few individuals booed... and then you see the tremendous media backlash, against a manufactured crisis, when it turns out there's so much more real work to do on gay rights...
well shame on that.
Again, get over it media folk.
"Sticks and stones may break my bones, but boos can never hurt me."
Save your space for something that matters, some real news issue. Making up something out of nothing really, so's all the "media spokespeople types" can offer up their say -- see here and here, for just two -- is silly and wasteful.
One day,
we'll look back and wonder why they were so willing to cover fluff, and not do their jobs fully. Because they thought it was funny? To make fair game of gays? To protect us from boos?
No thanks.
Not like that...
ADDED: An assistant sociology professor at City College of New York? Really? That's the best you've got? He speaks for whom exactly? Changes are, the California-Irvine grad/UCLA film studies major is grabbing whatever he can to build his career... And the gay rights issue certainly is handy, eh? Spare me.
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