Drama Queen Reynolds.
Lol. Since it seems nobody much chomped on the bait to force Hoffa to resign for his salty words, the good Insty tries to fan the flames of another manufactured scandal.
Seems fellow blogger and "advice goddess" Amy Alkon was initially charging "rape" after a allegedly abusive TSA patdown. Alkon charged the TSA agent (Reynolds bravely names names) allegedly put her hands "into her" four times.
After a particularly aggressive patdown in March that might be better described as a feel-up, advice blogger Amy Alkon graphically described how she sobbed loudly while a TSA agent put her hands “into” her — four times. She screamed “You raped me” after the LAX patdown and took the agent’s name with plans to file charges of sexual assault. Those plans fell through after consulting an attorney, but she did blog about it and included the agent’s name, thereby inflicting her own assault — on the agent’s Google search results.
The TSA agent then hired a lawyer who contacted Alkon asking her to remove the post, threatening her with a defamation lawsuit, and asking for a settlement of $500,000. “Rape is a very serious charge,” writes lawyer Vicki Roberts on Thedala Magee’s behalf. She also says that Alkon, on a return trip to the airport in May called her client “a bad person” who had “sexually molested” her.
Funny thing is, if anyone actually believed that... 4 times? Cmon now. You're in a public place, and someone is inserting her fingers in your vagina allegedly? Once maybe, twice? Shame on me. But 4 times you let her allegedly "rape" you, while you stood there passively sobbing. Sorry, just don't believe it.
The more he posts, the more dangerous you realize the Reynolds' of the world are. Calling for politically correct language for their sensitive ears... Thinking the Working Man is gonna take up arms and rise up against the master class... Now, alleging rape because a lesser blogger has hit upon a way to up her page hits by playing the victim card ... (surprise, surprise, Alkon later dropped her pursuit of sexual assault charges against the woman who allegedly put her hands "into" her, not once, but 4 times!)
If we don't speak out against such manufactured controversies, such attempts to infect fear into our good men and women, to the point of having to pay thousands to write our "children's" college essays to ensure they can continue living the good life, up there in those lofty towers, we deserve what we get.
Keep on writing, Reynolds. You reveal yourself -- your fears, your oddities, your embrace of victimhood whereever you can find it -- with every additional post.
C'mon now though ... four times. Really, how hard is it to step away, or just push back? Course, you might not end up with a juicy blog post, just dangling there waiting for somebody to chomp on to up your hits and bring in the advertiser dollars.
For me?
No thanks.
Not like that...
ADDED: Suspect that soon, Reynolds might see the need to clothe his own womenfolk in burkas and keep them safely at home. You never know, when travel seems to involve other people raping you in public, not once, but 4 times...
Somehow, I'm sure to him, this is all President Obama's fault.
PLUS: Oh, this is rich, really:
In her daily life, and in her blog, Alkon has a number of campaigns... she describes her anti-SUV campaign, which consists of placing small cards on the windshields of SUVs. The cards (which are her own composition) refer to the driver as a "Road-Hogging, Gas-Guzzling, Air-Fouling Vulgarian" and pointedly suggest that the driver is compensating for "an extremely small penis" by driving "such a monstrosity."
I guess the women don't drive SUV's too where she comes from... Too busy being locked up at home, because the real world is so verry scary these days to these specially sensitive blogger types.
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