Tuesday, November 8

Comment of the Day.

Yeah, and how'd their liberal, I'm-rich-and-I-know-better policies work out for us?

Ms. Warren joins a list of very distinguished wealthy Americans who worried more about the disadvantaged than about their own net worth: FDR, JFK, Bobby Kennedy, Lyndon Johnson, even Barack Obama although not to as full-throated an extent as the other names on the list.

Best Krugman, and those in his company, stick with what they know. What they're experts at. Playing at philanthropy, now that their own stockpiles are plenty overfilled, reeks of gaming the system.

You won, under the rules at play today, and now you're going to fix things so that your preferred policies "help" the truly disadvantaged (as defined by the rich) and marginalize those working their way up...

Bureaucrats, and those that would advise them, still simply insist they know better. Despite the proof in the results their entitlement programs have shown in the past: competitively, we're slipping.

Ah well. Let them enjoy their final moments of such noble "honors", I suppose. They want to have their cake, and feed the poor people with it too. Trouble is: sugar isn't sustaining, Paul. Meat and potatoes are what we need -- not that you'd know anything about that, from your privileged perch...

(Isn't it time to fly off abroad and share your wealth of knowledge and expertise with paying customers at an international seminar already? Surely you've haven't yet given them your best? And surely, tough times make "leaders" like you even more in demand since it takes such talent to effectively show the way to serious solutions? Afterall, you wouldn't take that money for nothing now, would ya?)