Wednesday, November 2

Why Can't Black Conservatives Exist?

Ta-Nehisi again:

I think what you see here is that conservatives don't really understand racism as a force in history,

I think what he fails to grasp is that for most Americans, conservatives especially, racism is simply not a factor in daily life. You've been discriminated against, and felt hurt because of a superficial characteristic in your past? Welcome to the club, son. Now get over, and get living in today...

Don't bring those cries of racism here, into the more proper conservative stomping grounds (I jest) where the issues of African-Americans (or Negros, or blacks or whatever term you prefer) simply don't register. It's the liberals you're beefing with.* Conservative embrace those who share similar values. And guess what? Despite what you're continually pushing -- anti-black and anti-gay is not a cultural marker of conservatism.

Not today. Not in our pluralistic USA.

Fact check time, Mr. Expert on Racism because Daddy was a Panther? (Go back and earn that undergrad degree. Really. It will do you so much good, and think of how you'll be able to 'preach' then, with a basic knowledge base supporting your black-tinged feelings):

Not every white was a slaveowner.
Not every dislikes your work or personal characteristics based on your skin color. Maybe it's ... you, the pompous you who simply can't see his own basic errors, that makes one cringe.
By collectively drawing everyone into a black-and-white issue on your dark skintone, sorry but many non-slaveowning conservatives -- who had nothing to do with the South, the War, or your great great great granddaddy's poor treatment -- simply don't care. See that as problems of your own choosing. Pretty much, the biggest card you got to play in these identity days.

A good portion of "white" country didn't import blacks. They don't discriminate against your not being here -- come, relocate! But leave your black baggage behind.

If you can't, stay there and wallow in your blackness that makes you so different from all the other oppressed minorities in the world. Who knows? Maybe your own kid can work himself a job out of it.



*Don't you discuss this with the Jews and white liberal fellas and their gf's on Journolist? Doubt you spend time with many white conservatives, so where exactly does all this "conservatives = racism" nonsense come from? They don't pay you or offer you special spots to be on their team, so you insinuate you're unwelcome?

Open to suggestion?
Try Baldwin's Invisible Man.
I hear they've got it on Books on Tape, even.