Friday, December 2

"The Pugilist at Rest" *

We've been keeping busy enough here. (Typos are even up; better luck next week.) "Deer Kill Off 20 Percent in County"** ... that's our headline follow up for the stats on last week's hunt. Up here, compared to the southern part of the state, numbers were down.

Blame weather, but several unsuccessful hunters have told me now -- they saw more bears than deer, and in those areas where there was bear scat, very few deer. They take care of the fawn's early, and I suppose it's like how you rarely see squirrels/especially rabbits in the backyard when you have a dog...

This week, newswise, promises to be even busier. Blame the change in weather (temps have dropped into the teens, and we've a dusting of snow on the ground now), the moon cycle (?), the "settling into hibernation but still out now" activities... but that Sheriff's dispatch log reading today was quite interesting, indeed.

A working weekend here perhaps, pushing the stories out before next week's evening meetings. So not so much at rest, I guess.


*Decent stories, excellent title and author background story from a few years back...

** No, not "Man Bites Dog" though I can see how initially you might read it that way...

ADDED: Here's more of my paid work. Not every story goes online though, or earns me the byline. Still, 74 in the past 6 months isn't shabby output.


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