Thursday, December 29

Erik Wemple Slams Stephen Glass to the Mat.

And wouldn't we all like to, really? Reward wrongdoers, cheaters, and those who think they're smarter than the rest of us for finding an unethical ... shortcut, and you get a society where the poor little rich boys never have to grow up, it seems.

I'm merciful, don't get me wrong, and believe in contrition and forgiveness, but Stephen Glass will do fine as a well-paid paralegal, without the big-league temptations dangling in front of him where he can do more damage to the societal trust fabric* on which so much depends...

Character Counts, if we've any hope collectively of lifting society from the juvenile trashheap of our collective culture, that so many have been willing to contribute to over time, but not clean up properly themselves after the messes they make.

Nothing wrong with proving yourself an honest paralegal, afterall. And acceptance of fundamental change takes time...

* More important to America in a long-lasting way than any government-funded "safety net", if you ask my humble opinion.


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