Friday, February 3

Lest We Forget.

"About 24 million Americans, or 15 percent of the population, are unemployed, under-employed or have dropped out of the labor force."

Here's a pretty good comment on that thread.

Personally, I'd trust a working American with eyes open telling us what's still wrong, over a partisan part-time American economist any day*:

Dave • Kansas City, Missouri • 5 hrs ago
I can tell you a major reason why the economy is stagnant and slow to recover. Im a trucker and the cost of fuel has been taking up half my settlement. About 5 years back they increased the cost of diesel fuel to the point it cost more now than does unleaded gasoline. Not only does this effect trucking across the nation but it cost the consumer as well as these cost are passed along. Believe me when I say just about everything you buy from lumber, clothes, cars, food, etc.,etc., comes to you by truck and the cost has gone up due to the fuel prices.. Im to the point of selling my truck and getting out of this industry. The energy and oil companies are putting their teeth into the global economy with their greed, thats something that has to change. We've made things better in Iraq but has that shown up at the pump?? NO it hasn't!! In fact it has grown steadily worse. I have never understood the reasoning behind why the diesel fuel cost going up to more than gasoline when it is a by product of gasoline,, doesnt make sense.. Things will never go back to being what they once were unless diesel cost come down, we the people should be demanding this!!

* Especially one who used to work for Enron, and makes his trade in puffing numbers for political purposes. Say Mr. Krugman, what's the price of jet fuel these days, assuming your booking those tickets yourself and paying your fair share for your travel needs?


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